Audit Process in Place to Protect Community Safety
Essential businesses on Nipissing First Nation were allowed to reopen starting on April 22nd provided they meet all public health requirements and protect the safety of the community. To receive approval to reopen and remain open, all NFN businesses must follow a rigorous process, which is detailed at the bottom of this page.
Compliant Businesses Approved to Operate
Last updated July 7th
17 Hour Convenience 705-491-2453 – Click here for details | 1 Jocko Point Road |
Arrowhead Gas Bar & Convenience Store 705-476-3300 – Click here for details | Osprey Miikan |
Carla’s Kitchen & Catering Click here for details | 225 Semo Road |
Cheerful Charlie’s Cannabis Co. 705-472-9111 | Osprey Miikan |
Chester’s Gas Bar 705-494-9747 | 35 Beaucage Park Road |
Dot’s Drive-Thru Cigarettes 705-474-0276 – Email [email protected] | 821 Couchie Memorial Drive |
Duchesnay Store 705-475-9877 | 40 Goulais Crescent |
Eagle’s Nest Gas Bar 705-474-2726 | 2 Migizii Miikan |
First North Enterprise 705-474-3000 – Click here to visit website | 40 Goulais Crescent |
George Carey, Financial Agent 705-476-9135 | 2 Osprey Miikan, Highway 17W |
Golden Harvest Organics | Under Construction |
Green Medicine 705-474-1258 – Click here for details | 120 Commanda Crescent |
How Convenient Variety & Souvenirs 705-472-2226 – Click here for details | 7 Nova Beaucage Road |
Jocko Point Fish & Chips (705) 493-2453 – Click here for details | 1 Jocko Point Road |
Joseph Kennedy Law Office (705) 498-6555 | 53 Lawrance Lane |
Kana Leaf, Recreational Cannabis Dispensary 705-474-2021 – Click here for website or visit them on Facebook. | 2 Osprey Miikan |
Ktigaaning Midwives 705-476-2229 – Click here to visit website | 40 Couchie Industrial Road |
Miller Paving Ltd / Quarry / Waste Click here for details | 70 Couchie Industrial Road |
Mino Niibish Boutique 705-471-0472 – Click here for details | 132 Osprey Miikan – Suite 400 |
Moose Crossing Ice Cream 705-493-2453 – Click here for details | 1 Jocko Point Road |
Nadjiwan Law Office 705-753-9815 | 915 Jocko Point Road |
Necessities Gas Bar & Convenience 705-497-0631 – Click here for details | 10 Couchie Industrial South |
Northern Brick and Tile 705-472-4020 – Click here for details | 41 Couchie Industrial Road |
Northern Convenience 705-753-0767 | 15 Veteran’s Lane |
Northern Zen Cannabis | 76 Osprey Miikan |
Nipissing First Nation – Miller General Partnership Inc. | Duchesnay Creek Bridge Construction Project |
Northshore Convenience 705-494-8215 – Click here for details | 31 Couchie Memorial Drive |
Old Ideas Emporium 705-474-6468 – Click here for details | 115 Little Lakes Road |
Smoke ‘N’ PC’s 705-497-9339 – Click here for details | Couchie Industrial North |
Supplies for the Soul 705-471-0472 – Click here for details | 132 Osprey Miikan – Suite 500 |
Tim’s Convenience 705-580-3023 – Click here for details | 115 Semo Road |
Tobacco Rd. Gifts & Variety No contact information available | 90 Veterans Lane |
Up the Hill Variety 705-478-0934 – Click here for details | 3 Couchie Industrial Road |
Yellek Self Storage 705-474-0676 | 2 Osprey Miikan |
Young Forestry Services 705-472-7400 – Click here to visit website | 3 Maang Road |
Businesses that have been inspected and passed all public health requirements are required to display the Audit Pass sign below in their storefront:

Businesses approved to reopen have satisfactorily met the following conditions:
- Submit a plan for review by NFN that demonstrates current COVID-19 public health measures are in place at all times during business operations, and until further notice.
- Undergo a site audit with NFN Health Services and Economic Development staff to validate that safety protocols are in place.
- Receive approval from Chief & Council on the recommendation to allow the business to reopen*.
- Post “Audit Pass” notice prominently in storefront for the public to view (see sample above).
- Comply with any new or revised public health measures for COVID-19.
* Businesses that require further public measures to be put in place will be offered assistance through NFN Health Services in partnership with NFN Economic Development.
Ongoing monitoring of the business operations will be in effect and any public complaints about non-compliance will be investigated. Failure to maintain compliance with safe business practices will result in the business being required to close until it becomes compliant.
Businesses may opt into this process at any time, or remain in closure. We also ask business owners to do their part to minimize traffic to the community and to help however they can to continue to keep the community safe. The Anishinabek Police Service and NFN staff will be monitoring traffic in Garden Village and Duchesnay.
The information below is intended to provide guidance to NFN businesses during the constantly evolving COVID-19 situation. Please note that this information may be subject to change.
Support for Businesses
- * New March 2021: Ontario's Small Business Support Grant *
- Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
- Emergency Business Account - provides interest-free, partially forgivable loans of up to $40,000 to eligible small businesses and not-for-profits
- Relief Measures for Indigenous Businesses - provides up to $40,000 to small and medium-sized Indigenous businesses in the form of an interest-free loan up to $30,000 and a non-repayable contribution of up to $10,000.
- Business Recovery Financing - provides eligible businesses with up to $50,000 in funding (50% financing, 50% grants) to help see them through the COVID-19 pandemic. Download the application here.
- Northern Ontario Recovery Program (NORP) - provides a conditional contribution of 100% of eligible costs up to $25,000.
- Waubetek Business Development Corporation - provides loans of up to $50,000 for businesses that are either ineligible for, or unable to access, existing federal and provincial COVID-19 response initiatives for small businesses. Up to 50% of the loan is non-payable.
- Small Business Survival Guide - Provided by Intuit QuickBooks
- What you need to know about your taxes and COVID-19 - Provided by Intuit QuickBooks
Indigenous Services Canada also announced Relief Measures for Indigenous Businesses that provides up to $40,000 to small and medium-sized Indigenous businesses in the form of an interest-free loan up to $30,000 and a non-repayable contribution of up to $10,000.
You can access more information and the application for this program on Waubetek's website or download the application form here.
For questions and assistance, you can contact Waubetek by phone at 705-285-4275 or by email to [email protected] or contact NFN's Economic Development Officer, Tom Lambert, at 705-753-6985 or [email protected] for assistance.
The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) provides a 75% wage subsidy of up to $847 per week per employee, to eligible employers, retroactive to March 15, 2020. The CEWS prevents further job losses, encourages employers to re-hire workers previously laid off as a result of COVID-19, and help better position Canadian companies and other employers to more easily resume normal operations following the crisis. The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) can be accessed below under the Payroll (RP) activity menu when logged in to My Business Account at
Companies can also apply to the Northern Ontario Recovery Program (NORP) for assistance with projects that help them adjust to the impacts of COVID-19, such as, but not limited to:
- Building renovations and new constructions
- Customer and employee safety installations
- Equipment purchases, including personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Marketing for new business initiatives
- Restructuring of business operations
Funding will be in the form of a conditional contribution and will normally not exceed $25,000. NOHFC will cover 100% of eligible project costs. Applicants must demonstrate that the amount requested from NOHFC is incremental and does not duplicate other supports received.
Applications will be open from October 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, with the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) administering the new program. View more details and apply here:
Click here to view the program brochure.
On June 19th, Ontario announced that loans of up to $50,000 will be available to businesses that are either ineligible for, or unable to access, existing federal and provincial COVID-19 response initiatives for small businesses. Loans will be available through Aboriginal Financial Institutions (for NFN, the closest institution is the Waubetek Business Development Corporation.
Up to 50% of each loan will be in the form of a non-repayable grant, with no interest due on the loan portion until December 31, 2022. Businesses may use these funds to cover general expenses such as payroll, rent, utilities and taxes. They may also be used towards increasing production capacity, developing new products, moving to online marketing, or to make improvements to accommodate social distancing requirements, such as the installation of plexiglass barriers. Click here to read the news release.
All businesses, organizations, and services are asked to continue to follow best practice for preventing the spread of COVID-19:
- Physically distance: To the fullest extent possible, ensure effective measures are in place to maintain physical distancing amongst all persons who enter the premises.
- Promote hand hygiene: Practice cough and sneeze etiquette, encourage hand washing and make alcohol-based hand sanitizer (with minimum alcohol concentration of 60%) available at all entrances and exits.
- Wear face coverings: To the fullest extent possible and when physical distancing is challenging or not possible, ensure all persons wear a face covering.
Effective Friday, July 24, 2020, the use of face coverings will be required in certain enclosed public spaces (of businesses, organizations, and services) and transportation in our district.
Owners/operators need to:
- Promote to all persons the use of face coverings to protect others from COVID-19 spread.
- Post clearly visible signage stating that face coverings are required inside the building.
- Have a policy in place to prevent all persons3 who do not have an exemption from entering the premises or transportation if not wearing a face covering. Ensure that all staff are fully aware of the policy and how to implement.
- Certain exemptions for the face covering requirement apply, such as: age (children under the age of two years or under the age of five years either by birth age or mental development and cannot be persuaded); health or ability; religious officiants; staff working within or behind a physical barrier (e.g. plexiglass barrier) provided physical distancing of two metres can be maintained among staff; or staff working in an area of an enclosed public space that is not designated for public access and where physical distancing of two metres can be maintained.
- The strength of enforcement is up to the local business, organization, or service. A business, organization, or service has the right to deny entry to their premises, however implementation of the policy should be enforced in ‘good faith’ and primarily used as a means to educate people on face covering use in enclosed public spaces.
No proof of exemption is required.
For more information and business resources, please visit the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit's website:
What can I do to protect myself, my employees and the public?
The best protection remains regular handwashing with soap for 20 seconds or using alcohol based hand sanitizers, not touching your face, covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, upper sleeve or elbow, staying home if sick and keeping a social distance of at least 2 metres between yourself and other persons.
- * New March 2021: Ontario's Small Business Support Grant *
- Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
- Emergency Business Account - provides interest-free, partially forgivable loans of up to $40,000 to eligible small businesses and not-for-profits
- Relief Measures for Indigenous Businesses - provides up to $40,000 to small and medium-sized Indigenous businesses in the form of an interest-free loan up to $30,000 and a non-repayable contribution of up to $10,000.
- Business Recovery Financing - provides eligible businesses with up to $50,000 in funding (50% financing, 50% grants) to help see them through the COVID-19 pandemic. Download the application here.
- Northern Ontario Recovery Program (NORP) - provides a conditional contribution of 100% of eligible costs up to $25,000.
- Waubetek Business Development Corporation - provides loans of up to $50,000 for businesses that are either ineligible for, or unable to access, existing federal and provincial COVID-19 response initiatives for small businesses. Up to 50% of the loan is non-payable.
- Small Business Survival Guide - Provided by Intuit QuickBooks
- What you need to know about your taxes and COVID-19 - Provided by Intuit QuickBooks
- Building renovations and new constructions
- Customer and employee safety installations
- Equipment purchases, including personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Marketing for new business initiatives
- Restructuring of business operations
Click here to view the program brochure.
- Physically distance: To the fullest extent possible, ensure effective measures are in place to maintain physical distancing amongst all persons who enter the premises.
- Promote hand hygiene: Practice cough and sneeze etiquette, encourage hand washing and make alcohol-based hand sanitizer (with minimum alcohol concentration of 60%) available at all entrances and exits.
- Wear face coverings: To the fullest extent possible and when physical distancing is challenging or not possible, ensure all persons wear a face covering.
- Promote to all persons the use of face coverings to protect others from COVID-19 spread.
- Post clearly visible signage stating that face coverings are required inside the building.
- Have a policy in place to prevent all persons3 who do not have an exemption from entering the premises or transportation if not wearing a face covering. Ensure that all staff are fully aware of the policy and how to implement.
- Certain exemptions for the face covering requirement apply, such as: age (children under the age of two years or under the age of five years either by birth age or mental development and cannot be persuaded); health or ability; religious officiants; staff working within or behind a physical barrier (e.g. plexiglass barrier) provided physical distancing of two metres can be maintained among staff; or staff working in an area of an enclosed public space that is not designated for public access and where physical distancing of two metres can be maintained.
- The strength of enforcement is up to the local business, organization, or service. A business, organization, or service has the right to deny entry to their premises, however implementation of the policy should be enforced in ‘good faith’ and primarily used as a means to educate people on face covering use in enclosed public spaces.
The best protection remains regular handwashing with soap for 20 seconds or using alcohol based hand sanitizers, not touching your face, covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, upper sleeve or elbow, staying home if sick and keeping a social distance of at least 2 metres between yourself and other persons.
For more information about the decision to allow businesses to re-open on April 22, please read the Community Notice here.
For details about the mandated closure of on-reserve NFN storefront businesses from April 7-21, please read the Community Notice here.