May 6, 2022 UPDATE: Miller’s blasting subcontractor is planning for the second and final blast this Monday, May 9th between 9am and 3pm. Crushing is expected to begin the week of May 16th.
April 12, 2022 (revised) – This notice is to inform residents of Miller Paving’s plans for the Spring blast and the aggregate production schedule at the Miller Quarry.
Two drills were mobilized to start drilling this week and Miller arranged for silencers to be installed on the drills in an effort to further reduce noise impacts for residents. Due to the amount of material needed this season, Miller Quarry’s blasting subcontractor needs to complete three (3) smaller blasts rather than one large one.
Subject to weather conditions, Miller is forecasting the first blast will take place the week of April 18th, with a second blast during the week of April 25th and a third blast the week of May 2nd.
Miller will continue with the mitigation efforts that have been implemented over the past couple of years, including increased collar depths on drill holes. Blast monitoring will be undertaken during the blast.
The crusher will then be set up immediately following the third blast, and crushing is expected to begin sometime towards the end of the first week of May and last approximately four (4) months. Crushing operations will respect the approved hours of 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact:
Cathy McLeod, Land Manager
705-753-2922 ext. 1233
Please click here to download this notice in PDF format.