Thursday, December 12, 2024– RHT PCD eligibility reminder: For new members or those who could become members
The eligibility criteria were made after considering different factors, including community consultations, and two important dates: September 9, 2023, and January 18, 2024.
On September 9, 2023, the 21 Robinson-Huron Treaty (RHT) First Nations held a pipe ceremony to approve the settlement agreement. This pipe ceremony, conducted by way of Anishinaabe Law, recognized and publicly stated that the Chiefs of the 21 RHT First Nations saw this as the effective date for the settlement agreement.
However, the settlement agreement itself says it takes effect only when it is fully signed by all parties. The final signature was made on January 18, 2024.
To honour both dates, Council decided that for someone to be eligible for a Per Capita Distribution (PCD):
- They must have been alive and a member from September 9, 2023, to January 18, 2024, even if they passed away before January 18, 2024.
This does not include: - People who passed away before September 9, 2023.
- People who were born after January 18, 2024.
For members who cannot manage their own property or have a disability, their distribution will be paid to their legal representative.
Eligibility for new members or those who could become new members - As per BCR #2612, NFN Chief and Council has set aside approximately 3% of the 75 for per capita distributions for individuals who:
1. Are currently not registered with Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) as members of NFN, and
2. Once registered with ISC, would qualify for an RHT PCD.
New NFN members, or those who could become members and are waiting for approval from ISC, have until September 9, 2028, to register with NFN and receive a RHT PCD.

Contact for more information
If you have questions about how to register, call Samantha Goulais, Lands and Membership Office Administrator at (705) 753-2050 ext. 1283.
If you have questions about the RHT Settlement, RHT NFN Collective Fund, or RHT PCDs please contact Megan Goulais, Governance Manager at (705)753-2050 ext. 1241.