Report Tagged Walleye: A Note from the NFN Natural Resources Department

Wednesday, July 10, 2024 – We hope the beautiful summer weather got people out on the water as of late! As you may know, walleye in the 40-to-45 cm size range (total length) were tagged at Wasi Falls in the spring of 2023 and again this spring (2024).

An important part of this project is to get as many captured, tagged fish reported as possible. The tags are yellow with the numbers starting with the letters ‘ILK’ (which is the acronym for the Inland Lakes research group in MNRF), followed by 4 numbers. On the other side of the tags is a phone number you can use to report the tag. Please be on the lookout for these tagged walleye when conducting your catch sampling; we ask all NFN fishers to report any tagged walleye they see in their nets.

There are several options for NFN fishers to report catching (and/or harvesting) tagged walleye:

Thank you for your continued assistance and support of our collaborative Lake Nipissing fisheries assessments.