Notice to Nipissing Nation Members and Residents: Proposed Amendments to Business Licensing Law (2024)

Friday, July 5, 2024 – In an effort to simplify the Business Licensing Process for the Nipissing First Nation and provide greater clarity for member entrepreneurs, the Business Licensing Committee has proposed several amendments to the Business Licensing Law.

These amendments aim to clarify the roles and responsibilities of various parties, including the Economic Development Officer, the Business Licensing Committee, Chief and Council, and the Applicant. Notable changes include:

  • The ability to place a lien on properties with unpaid business licensing or administrative fees to improve fee collection.
  • Removal of specific definitions considered too detailed or unnecessary.
  • The change of title from Enforcement Officer to Economic Development Officer.
  • The expansion of responsibilities of the Economic Development Officer, such as distributing community notices, conducting site inspections, and maintaining records.
  • Providing guidance on the procedures for different types of businesses and specifying the authority to request additional information at the discretion of the Economic Development Officer, Licensing Committee, or Chief and Council.
  • Setting specific requirements for site plans and additional information, emphasizing that Nipissing First Nation staff will determine the extent of required information.
  • Reserving the right to reject applications or renewals for businesses that encroach on unassigned land.
  • Granting the Licensing Committee the authority to request professionally engineered site plans at the applicant’s expense.
  • Allowing the Economic Development Officer to extend licences to 24 months at their discretion.
  • Establishing various inspection points during the construction and operation of businesses to ensure compliance.
  • Mandating business owners to adhere to any moratoriums, regulations, or limitations set by the Licensing Committee or Council.
  • Clarifying that the Economic Development Officer reviews and issues all licences, with the Chief and Council making the final decision at their discretion to issue a licence.
  • Introducing specific sections for the sale of tobacco, cannabis, fuel, and short-term rentals to address these businesses separately.

You have until July 27, 2024 to submit comments or concerns in writing on the proposed changes to the law. These are to be addressed to Zack Lafleur at [email protected] or by mail to Nipissing First Nation, 36 Semo Road, Garden Village, ON P2B 3K2.

The law is scheduled to be tabled for enactment at the Council meeting of September 3, 2024.

Please contact the Lands Office at 705-753-2922 should you wish to receive a hard copy of the proposed law or email [email protected]

Read the PDF version of the Notice of Proposed Amendments to Business Licensing Law (2024)