March 10, 2025 – Sharps, like needles, blades, and other objects that can cut the skin, can be very dangerous if not disposed of properly. When sharps are not thrown away safely (i.e., in the regular garbage, down the toilet, in public spaces, or in recycling bins) they can cause injuries that may lead to serious infections, especially to young children. These infections can spread harmful germs and viruses, such as HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. We need your help to make sure that sharps are disposed of safely to protect everyone in the community.
How to safely dispose of sharps
To dispose of sharps safely, always use a proper sharps container. These containers are puncture-resistant and help keep people safe from accidental needle sticks. You should place sharps in these containers immediately after use, ensuring that the container is securely sealed when full (about three-quarters).
Sharps containers are available at the Lawrence Commanda Health Centre (58 Semo Road, Garden Village) or the Giyak Moseng – The Right Path building (316 Ted Commanda Drive, Garden Village). Sharps disposal bins are also available around Nipissing First Nation in Garden Village (beside the mailbox at the band office) and beside the mailboxes in Yellek and Duchesnay.
What to do if you find a sharp of needle
If you find a sharp or needle discarded in an unsafe place, please report it immediately. You can contact the Lawrence Commanda Health Centre at 705-753-3312 or the Public Works Department at 705-753-4167 with the exact location of the item.
Let’s work together to keep our community safe!