Thursday, March 6, 2025 – Nipissing First Nation Chief and Council are seeking seven Debendaagziwaad to serve on the NFN Education Committee, commencing in April 2025 and ending in May 2027.
Education Committee applicants must be NFN members aged 18 years or older. Meetings are held once per month, and committee members are paid an honorarium of $100.00 for each meeting they attend.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the NFN Education Committee, please complete the Education Committee Application form and submit it by mail, email, or fax no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 4, 2025, to the attention of:
Eric Schnell, Director of Administration and Technology
Nipissing First Nation
36 Semo Road, Garden Village, ON P2B 3K2
[email protected]
Fax: 705-753-0207
About the Committee
The NFN Education Committee addresses community policy and/or advocacy matters related to education. This committee will review reports and policies for NFN Education Department services such as Nbisiing Bus Lines, Nbisiing Secondary School, Early Childhood Education Services, Employment and Training and post-secondary education, K-12 and adult education, and provide input regarding the NFN Education Law.
In addition to policy review, the Education Committee will review Education Department projects and receive updates from external boards such as the Anishinabek Education System/Kinoomadziwin Education Body, and other partners such as Nipissing University and Canadore College. This committee may also be called upon to act as an appeals committee for post-secondary applications.
Your participation in NFN committees is crucial, as committee feedback and recommendations assist NFN Chief and Council to meet the goals outlined in the NFN Governance Strategic Plan. Miigwech!