Strategic Plan

The NFN Strategic Plan is centered around the Medicine Wheel of Goals (below), guiding us as we work toward building a strong and thriving community. This plan reflects our commitment to four key pillars that shape everything we do:

  1. Debendaagziwaad (the Nipissing People)
  2. Community Development
  3. Economic Development
  4. Social Development

Each year, every department creates a work plan with specific strategies and actions to help us achieve the goals in these areas. The work we do is guided by these four pillars, which drive our vision and ensure we stay on track.

At the heart of our Strategic Plan is Communication/Transparency, symbolized at the center of the Medicine Wheel. We are committed to being open and accountable to our people, keeping everyone informed about our progress and plans.

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We encourage all members to explore these documents and stay connected as we work together to build a brighter future for the Nation.