Public Works manages water and wastewater treatment for the community, including waterline installations, well monitoring and pump house upgrades, and maintenance. Our staff also oversee operations and maintenance at our plants and pumphouses, repair hydrants, complete inspections, and adhere to Health Canada standards and practices.
Water Treatment
Our Water Treatment Operators are continually upgrading their licensing to enhance operations and installations. Daily inspections are performed at all of our pump houses to ensure that all levels are maintained within Health Canada guidelines for water quality. Health Canada also performs weekly tests to ensure the best quality of water is delivered for our communities.
Wastewater Treatment
All processes at the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) have been working very well. We have implemented the use of the Maintenance Management System schedule used every day to monitor certain pumps and valves to keep them running smoothly and extend their life span.
Planning Ahead
As part of our ongoing infrastructure and capital planning processes, we are investigating and addressing water and wastewater infrastructure across our communities. We have positioned NFN to be the likely candidate to be the 1st First Nation in Ontario chosen to be part of a 10-year grant funding pilot project. This flexibility will enable NFN to pursue new methods of financing major capital projects like water and sewer.
- To date, we have received $182,000 from federal and provincial governments under the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF) to upgrade our systems to an industrial control system that monitors and controls facilities and infrastructure in water plants and alerts operators remotely of any problems.
- We will be receiving $150,000 from Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) to complete a “Class A” cost design, and we are approved in principle to complete upgrades to the Garden Village water system in 2019-2020.
- We will also be receiving $350,000 (over two years) from ISC for a feasibility study related to the Duchesnay water and wastewater systems with completion of upgrades targeted for 2019-2020.
Contact Information
Steve Doucette, Director of Community Infrastructure & Planning
705-753-2050 ext. 1220
Charlene Lalonde, Community Infrastructure & Planning Administrative Assistant
705-753-2050 ext. 1285
Sarah Lafantaisie, Public Works Clerk
705-753-4167 ext. 4001
Water Treatment Plant
Wastewater Treatment Plant
To contact staff by email, please visit our Contact Us page.