- NFN Culture & Heritage Facebook Group
- Nipissing Nation Kendaaswin Facebook page
- NFN Annual Traditional Pow Wow Facebook Group
- Nbisiing Nishnaabemda Facebook Group
- Names of Places in and around Nbisiing Territory
- Some Geography in Nbisiing Nishnaabemwin
- Ojibwe Cultural Foundation
- Four Directions Teachings
- Think Before You Appropriate: A guide for creators and designers
- How To Be An Ally To Indigenous Peoples (Laurentian University)
Cultural Mindfulness
Executive Producer – Darlene Orton
Directed by George Couchie
Filmed & Edited by Ed Regan
Production Consultant – Mair Greenfield
Nipissing Warriors Documentary – available in English and Nishnaabemwin
Jointly produced by Dr. Katrina Srigley, associate professor of History; and Glenna Beaucage, Nipissing First Nation Culture and Heritage Manager, in association with Regan Pictures.
Financial support for this project was provided by Nipissing University, Nipissing First Nation and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
Check out the Anishinaabemwin page for more great resources & videos!
Anishnawbe Health Centre Toronto:

- Approaching Elder Healer
- Clans
- Fasting
- Four Directions Teachings
- Four Sacred Medicines
- Giveaways
- Healing
- Lodge
- Moontime
- Name and Colours
- Sacred Items and Bundles