
Preamble to the Gichi-Naaknigewin (Constitution)

Niinwin, omaa enjibaajig Nbisiing Nitam Anishinaabeg, ezhi-kenjgaazjig Nbisiing, iw zhichigan minwa maajiishkaag iw Gichi-Naaknigewin niinwin ndi-gchi-gimaa- kidaagewinan bekish nji-e-piitendmaang geye ezhi-ginawendizyaang nji-anishinaabe- eyaawyaang minik edko-yaayaang omaa kiing.

We, the people of the Nipissing First Nation, known as the Nipissings, ordain and establish this Gichi-Naaknigewin as our supreme law in accordance with the values and principles upon which our heritage has existed.

Iw dash nji-Gichi-Naaknigewin, ndoo-dibaajmomin minwa ndoo-nsidodwinaanaan aw sa gizheminidoo kina gegoo miigwewin nji-sa mtkakmi-kwe, ezhi-dibendizyaang ji- ogimaakeyaang minwa nji-sa ezhi-anishinaabe naadziyaang.

By this Gichi-Naaknigewin, we declare and acknowledge the Creator for the gifts of Mother Earth,
sovereign rights to govern ourselves and for our cultural heritage.

Chi gyat ga-bi-zhiwebak omaa Nbisiing gwekwendaagziwag omaa anishinaabeg gaa-zhi- minowaadizwaad, gaa-zhi-ntaa-nokiiwaad minwa gaa-zhi-gizhkweziwaad penmondmowaad kina gegoo giiwtaaying edigo akiing. Chi gyat ga-bi-zhi-webak omaa Nbisiing gwek zhibiigaademgad, e-zhi-mshkawziimgak dibendiziwinwaa geye ezhi-debwendmowaad nji-sa iw Debendaagziwaad. Iw Gichi-Naaknigewin bekish zhi-aasgaabwitaagemgad ezhi- mshkawziimgak minwa ezhi-debwemgak.

The history of the Nipissings confirms the people as a peaceful, productive and thriving people who have relied on the abundance of natural resources. The history of the Nipissings is well documented, expressing the strong inherent values and principles cherished by its Debendaagziwaad. This Gichi-Naaknigewin reflects those strong inherent values and principles.

Jibwaa bezhaakibiigaadek iw gichi-mzinigan Robinson Huron Treaty 1850, Nbisiing ezhnikaazjig anishinaabeg aazhgo gii-yaawag minwa gii-mino-yaawag kiing giiwtaaying Nbisiing Zaagigning gii-ganwendizwaad geye wii-bimaadiziwaad pii-moonigewaad geye nooj-gegoo wii-zgakinmowaad.

Prior to the signing of the Robinson Huron Treaty of 1850, the Nipissings had occupied and enjoyed the lands surrounding the Lake Nipissing watershed for their sustenance and survival through harvesting and other means.

Pii-gii-beshaakibiigaadeg iw Robinson Huron Treaty iw-pii 1850, Ogimaa Shabogesic gii-kido wi-sa-nji aki ji-shkongaadeg giiwedinong nakeyiing Nbisiing Zaagigning wiinwaa sa nji doo-anishinaabemwan ji-nakaazwaad geye ji-gnowendimigowaad. Niinwin dash Nb Ntam Anishinaabeg ndebwe’endaamin niinwin dibenmaang iw pane gii-biyaa’aang ezhi- debwewendaagwak pii-giibi-yaamgak iw-sa Robinson Huron Treaty 1850 gaawin gii- ngoshkaamgozinoon debendang. Ndoo-mshkawendmaanaanig giw aazhigo gaa-maajaajig gii-daapnamwaad geye gii-zigaakinaanaawaa wi aki minwa waa-bi-yaajig geyaaba anishinaabeg.

At the signing of the Robinson Huron Treaty of 1850, Chief Shabogesic agreed to set aside lands on the north shore of Lake Nipissing for his people’s exclusive use and protection. We the Nipissing First Nation people affirm that we have absolute ownership of our traditional territory based on the belief that participation in the Robinson Huron Treaty of 1850 did not extinguish ownership. We assert that our ancestors simply selected and reserved designated lands and resources for their people.

Iw Gichi-Naaknigewin gyak wiindimaagemgad, ezhindowendaagwak geye ji- gnawendizwaad Ntam Anishinaabeg Debendaagziwaad, wiinwaa ezhi-gimaakidaadizowaad geye gimaakewgamgong nji-sa debenjigaadeg ezhibiigaadeg omaa Gichi-Naaknigewin mziniganing ezhi-giizhendimong pii-omaa mina ezhi- zhaapshkamowaad Debendaagziwaad;

This Gichi-Naaknigewin confirms the rights, responsibilities and freedoms of Nipissing First Nation’s Debendaagziwaad, its government and its governing institutions in relation to the jurisdictions set out in this Gichi-Naaknigewin as confirmed by ratification by its Debendaagziwaad.

Learn more about Nipissing’s Gichi-Naaknigewin.