Nipissing First Nation currently has a total of 82 rental apartment units that are available for rent to NFN members aged 18 years or older only. NFN members are welcome to apply for future apartment vacancies as they become available. An application is required for each posting as we do not keep previous applications on-file.
Email notifications and mail-outs of vacancies are sent to members on the apartment listing and are also posted on NFN’s website and social media pages.
Current Vacancies
159 B Juniper Cres, Garden Village ON P2B 0A3
Receive notifications about upcoming vacancies
Call: 705-980-1057
Email: [email protected]
Required information: name, address, phone number, status number, email address, and date of birth.
Applications mailed by request.
Please remember to update your contact information to continue receiving apartment vacancy notifications.
Application Process
The apartment units are rented out according to the Apartment Policy and guidelines. As apartment units become available, the Housing Department will ensure that the vacancy is advertised on the NFN website, newsletter or by mail providing a closing date no less than two (2) weeks from the time of posting to receive applications.
Applications must be completed in full or they will not be considered. This includes providing personal information, income verification and average monthly budget information. This information is confidential and will not be released to anyone without the consent of the applicant in writing.
Miigwech to all applicants who apply; however, only the selected applicant(s) will be contacted.
MANDATORY: Please complete the application and submit all documentation requested. Applicants will be notified by email or phone following the selection process.
If you are interested, please submit your completed application form to the Housing Department:
- Send by email, full legible screenshots of documents are acceptable
- Deposit in grey drop box at NFN Administration office
- Mail to NFN Housing Department: 36 Semo Road, Garden Village ON P2B 3K2
NOTE: NFN Apartment Units are geared to registered NFN members aged 18 years and older only.
Send complete applications to:
Housing Department, 36 Semo Road, Garden Village, ON P2B 3K2
or by fax or email to:
Fax: 705-753-0207
Email: [email protected]
Should you have any questions or require further information about this process, please contact the Housing Department at 705-980-1057.
TENANTS: For after hours emergency maintenance/repairs, call or text: 705-495-9013